Supervising SSSEP experiments with a Bluetooth Android remote control application

Presentation of our mobile application to send BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) commands to a Bluno Arduino, controlling a vibrotactile device.

As part of BCI research on SSSEP (Steady State Somatosensory Evoked Potential), this allows an experimenter to send from an Android smartphone a vibration command at a particular frequency (between 5 and 250 Hz in theory, but often around 14 to 32 Hz in practice), in order to search in the EEG of the user, who receives this vibration under his finger, markers of physiological resonance at the frequency studied.

Article Title: “Supervising SSSEP experiments with a Bluetooth Android remote control application”. Authors: Jose Rouillard, François Cabestaing, Jean-Marc Vannobel, Marie-Hélène Bekaert. International Conference: AHFE 2018 (, Orlando, FL, USA, 2018.

Good vibrations


SSSEP (Steady State Somatosensory Evoked Potentials) brain-computer interface studies are underway in our research team.

M. Oussama Saddouk and Miss Smeety Pramij, trainees in our team, are conducting experiments on this topic and are looking to detect SSSEP markers in EEG signals, when applying a vibration on the wrist of the user.